Frozen Fields of the Future


Frozen Fields of the Future are mainly monochromatic digital graphics. They are 3D prints of imaginary spaces in 2D graphical realization. Author is experimenting with the nature and attributes of digital image that are 3D printed surfaces transformed to 3D object. Those are referring on basic and known geometrical objects and are realized by surpassing surfaces.
The structure of digitally generated “tapestry” is referring to “yet unknown“ space – the future of space deconstructed and frozen in time.
Series was part of The Parallel Program of 8. Moscow International Biennale of Contemporary Art.


Frozen Fields of the Future sú digitálne grafiky prevažne monochromatickom prevedení. Predstavujú 3D tlače imaginárnych priestorov v 2D grafickom prevedení. Autorka cielene experimentuje s povahou a vlastnosťami digitálneho obrazu vo forme polí, ktoré predstavujú 3D vytlačené povrchy transformované do 3D objektov.Tie odkazujú na známe geometrické tvary a sú zhmotnené prostredníctvom vystupujúceho povrchu.
Štruktúra digitálnej generovanej tapisérie odkazuje na „ešte nepoznaný“ priestor – budúcnosť priestoru rozbitého a zamrznutého v čase.

Anabela Sládek

SERIESFrozen Fields of the FutureTITLEFrozen Fields of the Future #1; Frozen Fields of the Future #2; Frozen Fields of the Future #3; Frozen Fields of the Future #4; Frozen Fields of the Future #5; Frozen Fields of the Future #6YEAR2019MEDIUMDigital PrintsTECHNIQUE3D generated visualsVENUEPart of The Parallel Program of 8. Moscow International Biennale of Contemporary Art