Belarusian Sweets


Dvojitá diaprojekcia odkazuje na dlhú históriu komunikácie mojej mamy, ktorá si od mladosti dopisovala prostredníctvom listov s kamarátkou z inej postsovietskej krajiny, tak ako mnohí /mnohé z jej generácie. Kamarátka, ktorú nikdy naživo nevidela sa jej ozvala po 30 rokoch a ich komunikácia pokračuje preostredníctvom emailov. Niečo však zostáva. Je to pocit múru, železnej opony, ktorá pretrváva v strachu z cenzúry ukrytom za banálne témy. Rovnako ako čudná príchuť sladkostí a roztopených bombonier, ktoré neprežili dlhú cestu a colné konanie.


The double slide show refers to the long history of communication of my mother, who from her youth corresponded through many letters with a friend from another post-Soviet country, just like many of her generation. A friend whom she had never seen in person contacted her after 30 years, and their communication has continued through emails ever since. But something remains. It is the feeling of a wall, an iron curtain that persists in the fear of censorship hidden behind banal topics. As well as the strange taste of sweets and melted chocolates that did not survive the long customs process.

Anabela Sládek

TITLEBelarusian SweetsSVK TITLECukríky z BieloruskaYEAR2010MEDIUMinstallation, double dia-projectionVENUEsolo exhibition Limes Gallery Komarno (2011);NOTATIONpart of my dissertation work "Collective Identity"